What we do


What we do

Selling your business with confidence, why AssuredPartners could be right for you

AssuredPartners UK & Ireland offers something different – We want our business leaders to be entrepreneurs and to continue showing that entrepreneurial spirit long after they have joined the AP family.

Our aim is not to simply swallow up businesses, we want them to retain the autonomy and the spark that made them attractive to us in the first place. We are not overbearing and do not want wholesale change.

Throughout this website we have tried to bring together some of the key elements behind our strategy, giving a bit of a feel behind how we operate. When I think about the culture at AssuredPartners the best way of describing it is “Client not Corporate”. The people here almost without exception come from a client focused background, which is very different to having spent most of their time in a boardroom, and that in itself epitomises the way in which AssuredPartners operates from top to bottom.

If you are thinking about a new chapter for your business but shudder at the thought of being told how you should handle your clients, some of which you probably consider to be friends, we would be delighted to meet and chat about how we might work together in the future.

David Heathfield CEO – AssuredPartners UK & Ireland

The way we look at acquisitions

We do things differently

In an industry filled with consolidators, AssuredPartners UK & Ireland is different.

Our focus is on relationships and people. We understand that the best way to get the most out of an acquisition is to build on the core values that attracted us in the first place, not to override with our own. We might acquire your business, but we know that clients cannot be so easily bought. We want the leaders of businesses we acquire to stay; buying into our vision and taking ownership of their own growth. We want these businesses to retain their autonomy and not look to us to make wholesale change.

Not every opportunity will be the right fit and it’s important that both sides can see the potential benefits of working together from the outset. The partnership and the culture needs to feel right and we recognise that the type of synergies we look for cannot be achieved simply by writing the largest cheque.

Our approach

We have a very simple approach to achieving successful acquisitions; it’s all about fit. The best deals are those that work for all stakeholders; owners, clients and staff alike. As an organisation, we want to work alongside management teams in order to support their long term growth. This is what sets us apart from the competition.

For us, the acquisition of a business should be seen as a start of an exciting new journey, rather than the end. Financial performance is always important, but our view is that profitability is a product of good culture. If we can invest in and nurture good culture, we firmly believe we will benefit from sustainable profitability over the long term.

What we look for

Passionate management teams who are keen to remain involved with the business post-deal.

Sector specialism and a reputation for being thought leaders in a niche area.

Innovative approach and a new view to running the business (for example processes, automation or technology)

Opportunities for synergies and overlaps in expertise that can lead to accretive growth for both sides.

Get in touch with one of our experts.

If you would like to have a discussion with one of us,
please do not hesitate to get in touch


David Heathfield  |  Chief Executive Officer
E:  |   T: +44 (0)20 7337 6800

Stuart Quilter  | Chief Financial Officer | T:+44 (0) 20 3675 0062

Paul Casey  |  Acquisitions & Integration Manager
E:  |  T: +44 (0)20 7337 6800